This is hilarious. Mr.Taliban is assaulted by the FBI secret telemarketing service. See what happens when we hit them with our best weapons.
Amazon Product Description
The Taliban remain one of the most elusive forces in modern history. A ragtag collection of clerics and madrasa students, this obscure movement emerged out of the rubble of the Cold War to shock the world with their draconian Islamic order. The Taliban refused to surrender their vision even when confronted by the United States after September 11, 2001. Reinventing themselves as part of a broad insurgency that destabilized Afghanistan, they pledged to drive out the Americans, NATO, and their allies and restore their "Islamic Emirate."
The Taliban and the Crisis of Afghanistan explores the paradox at the center of this challenging phenomenon: how has a seemingly anachronistic band of religious zealots managed to retain a tenacious foothold in the struggle for Afghanistan's future? Grounding their analysis in a deep understanding of the country's past, leading scholars of Afghan history, politics, society, and culture show how the Taliban was less an attempt to revive a medieval theocracy than a dynamic, complex, and adaptive force rooted in the history of Afghanistan and shaped by modern international politics. Shunning journalistic accounts of its conspiratorial origins, the essays investigate broader questions relating to the character of the Taliban, its evolution over time, and its capacity to affect the future of the region.
Offering an invaluable guide to "what went wrong" with the American reconstruction project in Afghanistan, this book accounts for the persistence of a powerful and enigmatic movement while simultaneously mapping Afghanistan's enduring political crisis.
Mr.Taliban: You've Got The Wrong Fricken Number! | digg story
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Family Guy Sums Up Iraq War In 30 Seconds
After I watched and listened to the puppet in this video "War In Iraq Was Necessary", I came across this gem. Peter Griffin takes the words right out of my mouth. Now I would hope that most of us are a bit more aware of world affairs than Peter Griffin, but you have to admire his simplistic view. For those of us that are big fans of Family Guy, you know they have no boundaries. Any and all subjects, politically correct or incorrect are fair game. But Family Guy also has that unique way of making a political statement that few, if any, other shows could get away with. This video speaks volumes.
Family Guy Sums Up Iraq War In 30 Seconds | digg story
Saturday, November 22, 2008
"Sir, you have to take your turban off. This is America."
A Halifax County man was turned away from a local mission when he refused to remove his turban while trying to make a donation. When Gary Khera, went with his wife to the Union Mission on Roanoke Avenue to make a donation, a staffer asked him to remove his turban. He is a Sikh with dual U.S. and Indian citizenship.
---- This Bloggers Comments ---------
There are two sides to this. If the mission workers have noting better to do than worry about who wears their hat while in their building, then they need to find other work. And if they have nothing better to do than chase away a financial donor, than the workers need to be fired, or asked to leave. I guess for most of us that figure 'who gives a rats ass' if you wear your hat indoors, it's stupid from end-to-end. The mission will probably not get that person's money ever again, and it's the missions fault.
However, if one of us had gone into their place of worship with, say, a baseball cap on. And they asked us to remove it.... and we said, hey this is America, I can wear it if I want to. Now whose side are you on?
The answer is mutual respect, but not to the point of futility and stupidity. We've forgot about that after 9/11...
Sir, you have to take your turban off | digg story
---- This Bloggers Comments ---------
There are two sides to this. If the mission workers have noting better to do than worry about who wears their hat while in their building, then they need to find other work. And if they have nothing better to do than chase away a financial donor, than the workers need to be fired, or asked to leave. I guess for most of us that figure 'who gives a rats ass' if you wear your hat indoors, it's stupid from end-to-end. The mission will probably not get that person's money ever again, and it's the missions fault.
However, if one of us had gone into their place of worship with, say, a baseball cap on. And they asked us to remove it.... and we said, hey this is America, I can wear it if I want to. Now whose side are you on?
The answer is mutual respect, but not to the point of futility and stupidity. We've forgot about that after 9/11...
Sir, you have to take your turban off | digg story
Sunday, November 16, 2008
T. Boone Pickens Expects Obama to Implement Pickens' Plan
Billionaire American entrepreneur T. Boone Pickens is optimistic that the Obama administration will bring the United States’ energy infrastructure into the new millennium by implementing his plan for energy independence.
T. Boone Pickens Expects Obama to Implement Pickens' Plan | digg story
T. Boone Pickens Expects Obama to Implement Pickens' Plan | digg story
Friday, November 14, 2008
Hillary Clinton would make a bad Sec of State
Yesterday my fellow blogger, jwilkes, posted a well written argument in favor of making Hillary Clinton the Secretary of State in a Barack Obama Administration. I have a great deal of respect for jwilkes's writing ability and opinions. ---- - Iraq war hawks already already well represent in Joe Biden and Rahm Emanuel; Hillary Clinton not needed
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Sunday, November 9, 2008
Bill Clinton Vs. John McCain

While the article relates to popular entertainment of the era, I've often wondered how the past few years of campaigning and the recent election might have fared if Bill Clinton had run again (instead of Hillary). Yes I know the 22nd Amendment prohibits that. But let's pretend for a few moments that's it's possible for a previously elected president to be reelected after sitting out for a term.
Now, let's also think back to some things that happened when Bill Clinton was president. There was Whitewater, Monica Lewinsky, there was a white house staff member that was found dead - an apparent suicide. And just before he left office he facilitated the largest pardon in history. Allot of Americans were hopeful for change, and a restoration of normalcy to the White House and it's executive leader. Boy, were we in for a shock. We had no idea how bad things could get.

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How Self-Powered Nanotech Machines Work: Scientific American
Today we are beginning to create extremely small energy harvesters that can supply electrical power to the tiny world of nanoscale devices, where things are measured in billionths of a meter. We call these power plants nanogenerators. The ability to make power on a minuscule scale allows us to think of implantable biosensors that can continuously
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Contact your Congressman about Wind Power
Write and send emails to your local, state, and federal leaders concerning wind power, renewable energy, and events that concern you. View sample letters that you can copy, paste, personalize, and then email to every legisltor and congressional decision maker in the country.
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Saturday, November 8, 2008
A Tribute to 10cc - I'm Not In Love
First, I'm not sure if the group performing this video is 10cc, but they do a great job, and the video's a story in itself.
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If you're not old enough to remember when television did NOT include MTV or VH1, this will look very strange to you. This is a vintage music video. Notice the hair, the colors (we call that psychedelic, funkadelic in some circles), and the layers of special effects. Also notice the classic scene of the main singer in the forefront, and the others kind of shadowed behind him.
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Ziggy TV
Instantly turn your computer into a Super TV - Watch 3000+ TV channels on your PC. Find any TV show or movie fast. Enjoy all your favorite movies, TV shows, music videos and games. Watch what you want, when you want.

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The Day After Yesterday - Reality Sets In
I am hopeful he will be successful and at least some of the things he has talked about will become a reality. Remember people, it is just another day today. The day after yesterday. Regardless of the election results last night we are no better off yet. None of us. While last night was fun … now Obama has to do the actual job....
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The Day After the Election ... of 2012
This is PRICELESS!! Four years ago today, liberals were making empty threats about moving to Canada. Today, conservatives are ranting about our inevitable collapse into socialism. So what will the world look like on Wednesday morning exactly four years from today?
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A Landslide Win for White Spaces
The Federal Communications Commissions voted late Tuesday to approve the unlicensed use of “white spaces” — empty airwaves between television channels — for high-speed Internet access nationwide.
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Monday, November 3, 2008
10 movies the new President should learn from
Whether Barack Obama or John McCain, here are 10 pieces of important advice from the movies for our new president.
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How the economy stole the election
Two years ago it seemed that the election would hinge on Iraq, now it's the economy that's on voter's minds. Here's how that happened. Summer/fall 2006 - War at the forefront. With the mid-term elections in full swing, the war is being hotly debated. October is the third-deadliest month for U.S. troops in Iraq. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld ...
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Saturday, November 1, 2008
Rocketman, Stewie and Shatner Headin' Out
Shatner's Original rendition of Elton John's Rocketman in 1978
MP3 Suite
Chris Elliot's version of Elton John's Rocketman on The David Letterman Show (date unknown)
Deforest Kelley Remarks on Shatner's Performance of Elton John's Rocketman
Wii Game and Movie Downloads
Stewie Spoofs Shatner
Sonic Music Producer
John Crawford
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