Saturday, June 27, 2009

Politicians Who Voted “No” On The Clean Energy Bill

I'll admit I'm not privy to most of the details in this bill, but based on the cost (according to the article), it shoulds like a no-brainer to me.

"...the benefits of the bill could be enjoyed by ALL Americans for about ¢25 to ¢40 cents more in taxes a day. This sounds like a bargain to me! Many of us don’t mind paying $3 for a cup of coffee or $6 for a combo meal from a fast food chain."

Politicians Who Voted “No” On The Clean Energy Bill

John Crawford

Accokeek Computers
Mamas Best Recipes
The Cartouche - Science Fiction Reviews
Simple Opportunities

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‘Spy’ mum tells of abuse

I used to worry about this when my son was in school. Now that he is an adult, I worry about what will happen when my wife and/or I can no longer care for him, and he has to go to a home.

‘Spy’ mum tells of abuse

John Crawford

Accokeek Computers
Mamas Best Recipes
The Cartouche - Science Fiction Reviews
Simple Opportunities

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Plane makes safe emergency landing at BWI -

LINTHICUM, Md. (AP) - Airport and airlines officials say a Southwest flight from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., to Philadelphia made a safe emergency landing at BWI after smoke was reported in the aircraft. See the full article at Plane makes safe emergency landing at BWI -

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Utilities to start shutting off customers who haven't paid up -

WASHINGTON - When electric and gas bills spiked in our region last winter, Maryland regulators stepped in to give customers more time to pay. Now, utilities are finally beginning to shut off service to thousands. See full article at Utilities to start shutting off customers who haven't paid up -

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Monday, June 22, 2009

FTC plans to monitor affiliate blogs

I can see some good coming from this, but far too much bad as well. Since when is it illegal to get paid to say something? Now it turns into a freedom of speech issue. or is it a "truth in advertising" they are after? If there existed a magic bullet that you could immediately seperate the crooks selling snake oil and the honest Joe with a genuine package for success. Like I said, some good, and too much bad.

In any case it will take thousands of trained computer technicians at the FTC to keep up with this, day after day. I can see tens of thousands of cases where censorship is prevalent and an honest plan to make a dollar is dissected by a judge.

FTC plans to monitor affiliate blogs

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Grand Canyon Pictures

Last summer, my daughter went on a cross-country tour with her grandparents. They brought back some stunning pictures. Most are from the Grand Canyon, Arizona, and New Mexico. Enjoy


John Crawford

Accokeek Computers
Mamas Best Recipes
The Cartouche - Science Fiction Reviews

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