Follow @funnypics on twitter. These pics are hilarious.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
That Free Thing - ad
Monday, May 30, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Dagger Puking Priest From Pluto
This an amatuer b/w movie from 1980. Pretty good considering the equipment used.
Watch "Megathor - The Dagger Puking Priest from Pluto" on YouTube
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Two Carrots
There were two carrot walking the sidewalk along a very busy city street. They were talking and obviously not paying attention to their surroundings. As they attempted to cross the street, one of them get struck by a car. He's rushed to the hospital. After what seemed like hours, the doctor came out to speak to the other carrot.
"Doctor how is he?" asked the carrot. The doctor pulled off his cap, and began to remove his hospital clothes. The doctor rather calmly "I have good news and and bad news". The carrot was on his last nerve wait to know about his friend.
The doctor said "the good news is, he's gonna live". The carrot breathed a sigh of relief, but realized there was still bad news. The doctor said "the bad news is he will be a vegetable for the rest of his life".
Jasnine V
I follow this young lady on Twitter. She very talented, you can hear some of her singing at Jasmine V Home | The Official Jasmine V Site
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Need Twitter Followers?
This is an easy way to get more followers on Twitter, and it's FREE!<a href="" title="Get Twitter Followers"></a>
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
The Donkey Express Rides Again
Syrians Using Donkeys Instead of DSL After Gov't Shuts Down Internet
Syrians Using Donkeys Instead of DSL After Gov't Shuts Down Internet - Slashdot
Saturday, May 14, 2011
John Crawford (@yellowrs999) has shared a Tweet with you:
aThumper: retweeted @Brain_Wash tweet:
Love is blind. Hate is deaf. You would think Stupid would be mute, but I just keep on talking.
John Crawford (@yellowrs999) has shared a Tweet with you:
aThumper tweeted:
Everyone brings joy to my life. Some bring it when they enter and some when they leave.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Watch And Listen To This Young Lady Sing Her Heart Out
John Crawford (@yellowrs999) has shared a Tweet with you:
@Swagger_Shawty: @yellowrs999 plz CHECK IT OUT watch & comment :)
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Coffee And Sex
I heard on the radio this morning that a new study indicates that if you drink coffee and then have sex, you have an increased chance of having a brain anurism.
It will also get you kicked out of Starbucks!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Accokeek Woman Missing
@abc7news: Police issue Silver Alert for Accokeek woman, missing on her way to Arlington Friday night
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Children’s Day
Children’s Day
John Crawford
Accokeek Computers
Mamas Best Recipes
The Cartouche - Science Fiction Reviews
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Friday, May 6, 2011
John Crawford (@yellowrs999) has shared a Tweet with you:
"We shoot every 3rd salesman , and the 2nd one just left."
Today In Sports History
John Crawford (@yellowrs999) has shared a Tweet with you:
TouchByAM (Alyssa Milano) tweeted:
Today in Sports History: 1984 - Balt Oriole Cal Ripken Jr hits for cycle."
Snakehead Fish Spreading
This is troubling, especially for those of living in the immediate area. - Frankenfish expand 'phenomenally more than we expected'
Love And Affection
I have to say, I have the best woman in the world. I come home, she gives me all the affection I could want. And no matter how bad I treat her, yell at her to be quiet, she loves me with all her heart.
Too bad she has four legs and a long bushy tail!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Going Green Homeschool Day
If you live near Accokeek, Maryland or may be passing nearby on May18th, this sounds like a lot of fun.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Believe In Yourself
John Crawford (@yellowrs999) has shared a Tweet with you:
SeinQuest tweeted:
First, (learn to ) believe in yourself.
Second, surround yourself with people who believe in you!
Most of us have a hard time with the first one that we never get to the second one.
End NYC Carriage Horse Abuse
John Crawford (@yellowrs999) has shared a Tweet with you:
HELP @PamelaDAnderson and @NewYorkCLASS get 50K signatures to end NYC carriage horse abuse
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
A New Kissing Device Lets You Make Out Over The Internet
When I think I've seen it all something new comes along. Whatever happened to old fashion way of boy meets girl?
A New Kissing Device Lets You Make Out Over The Internet | Fast Company
Monday, May 2, 2011
An Orgasm May Just Cure Your Migraine
This is an interest piece, one womans experiences. But much of her symptoms and treatments are the same as my wifes. Could it be that simple, click my heals 3 times and I'm back in Kansas?
John Crawford (@yellowrs999) has shared a Tweet with you:
BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump demands Osama Bin Laden's death certificate.
German Jogger Put Deer in Headlock After Attack
Another story under the heading of "you can't make this stuff up".