Well go to a Verizon store and what to pandemonium. You wouldn't know there was an economic downturn by shopping there. Peoples lives are falling apart when their 3G reception is lost, or their blackberry stops receiving email. Hoards of people crowd the store to buy every freakin' feature and app they can get for their wireless gadget. At the end of the day, when all is said and done, it's just a phone, a simple freakin' phone.
It's no wonder Verizon has no incentive to offer me a discounted family data package. The same for Starbucks. People just have to have their Starbuck's, even at $3.50 for a 16oz cup of coffee. NO thank you, I'll stick to "foo-foo coffee" from 7-Eleven, Exxon, or McDonalds. Better yet, I'll make my own, it's just coffee and the effects are mostly between our ears. And it's just a phone. As long as their customers are willing to pay the obscene rates, they will continue to make billions every years, and charge us for stuff that costs them next to nothing. It's extortion and highway robbery.
Steve Jobs To Furious Customer: "You Are Getting Worked Up Over Rumors"
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